1 min read

Aquamarine Power welcomes Scotland Marine Bill

stormy-seasEdiburgh-based Aquamarine Power, one of the world’s leading marine energy companies, is giving to full support to Scotland’s first Marine Bill, introduced to the Scottish Parliament last week.  The Bill promises to deliver a new future for Scotland’s seas by balancing protection of its marine environment with support for the sustainable economic development of its marine industries.

However, Aquamarine remains concerned that a fragmented and inconsistent approach would put at risk Scotland’s opportunity to be a world-leading producer of marine renewable energy.

The Marine Bill is to be developed and delivered by Marine Scotland, a newly established integrated marine management organisation.

Scottish seas account for a quarter of Europe’s tidal resource and 10 per cent of its wave resource, putting Scotland at a unique advantage in the marine energy industry.  The industry has the potential to provide Scotland with a secure energy supply, create high-paying jobs, help battle climate change and create a vital new export market.

“Scotland has the potential to be a powerhouse of marine energy,” said Martin McAdam, CEO of Aquamarine. “We have a vast resource; we have vital engineering and manufacturing skills; as a nation, we have the necessary drive and determination to lead this brand new industry.

McAdam added, “At this early stage in its development, the marine energy industry needs consistent support to help it reach its full potential. It’s not just funding and investment that is required; it’s solutions that save our most precious commodity: time.  I’m delighted that the Scottish Government has recognised this and has established Marine Scotland. Marine Scotland will be a one-stop shop for Aquamarine Power and fellow developers to get our wave and tidal power devices from the drawing board and into the water for testing as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

Aquamarine Power expects to launch it first full-scale wave energy device, Oyster®, at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney for sea-trials this summer.