1 min read

Alberta oilfields go for carbon capture

oil1.jpgWhat do you do with something you don’t like? If in doubt, bury it (Greenbang is not advocating murder here) seems to be the thinking around Alberta way, with the oil-producing province announcing a trucking great carbon capture scheme.Details from The National Post:

The province, which accounts for about one-third of Canada’s total emissions, said it wants to cut its projected greenhouse-gas production in half, or by 200 megatonnes, by 2050. Despite production growth from the oilsands, the industry would slash its own emissions by 100 megatonnnes, representing half of Alberta’s total reduction, the plan says.Ed Stelmach, Alberta’s Premier, said the 2050 target is “realistic” because it will ensure environmental protection and continued economic growth.The target would send absolute emissions in the province to levels 14% below those of 2005, well short of federal-government reduction goals and those of the Kyoto Protocol.