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£40 million for low-carbon plane engine research

plane-engineRolls-Royce is joining other manufacturers and academics in a £40 million programme aimed at developing low-carbon aircraft engine technology for the UK.

The research and development programme will be delivered by the Technology Strategy Board, the non-departmental government body that supports UK business in the development of innovative technology and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

The initiative is known as SAMULET (for Strategic Affordable Manufacturing in the UK with Leading Environmental Technology).

SAMULET is a collaborative programme led by Rolls-Royce working in a consortium alongside other high-profile manufacturers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and several of the UK’s top universities. The Technology Strategy Board is investing £28.5 million in the programme, with another £11.5 million coming from the EPSRC. Further support is under discussion with regional bodies. The total cost of the project, including industry investment, is expected to be around £90 million.

“SAMULET aims to ensure that the UK aero-engine industry remains competitive in the face of new 2020 emissions targets for aircraft and that it is in a position to manufacture engines for the next generation of civil aircraft,” said Iain Gray, Chief Executive of the Technology Strategy Board. “We supported this intervention because we felt that it was essential that new technology advances rapidly enough in the industry to ensure that the UK retains a competitive advantage in this field. Through the supply chain and academic partners, SAMULET also offers exciting opportunities to promote UK high value manufacture more generally.”

“The application of science and engineering research is vital to help overcome the threat of climate change and sustainable living,” added Dave Delpy, Chief Executive of the EPSRC. “This important partnership brings together key stakeholders and provides a strategic focus in the search for new technologies to provide an effective response to emissions targets and maximise energy efficiency.”

He continued, “This collaboration is also an excellent example of how the union of research and industry will develop business, stimulate economic growth and ensure the UK plays a leading role in providing solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.”

SAMULET will focus on productivity and environmental improvements, including reductions in raw material usage, efficient advanced manufacturing processes and lower engine fuel consumption. The programme is aimed at developing new technologies and delivering a number of knowledge transfer initiatives. It will also be closely linked with the advanced manufacturing research centres (in Sheffield, Glasgow and Ansty near Coventry) and so strengthen the position of UK aerospace manufacturing and its supply chain.