News you might have missed: 11 March 2009

newspapersMissed a few cleantech headlines while you were working, eating or sleeping? Not to worry: Greenbang’s got you covered:

  • The Walt Disney Corporation this week released its first comprehensive corporate responsibility report, which sets long-term goals of zero waste, zero net direct greenhouse gas emissions from fuels and minimised water use and environmental footprint;
  • Researchers in Sweden report that the permafrost is thawing in the northern part of the country, and that some regions could be permafrost-free within 50 years;
  • Oil-exec-turned-renewable-energy-promoter T. Boone Pickens is planning a “virtual march” for energy independence on Washington, DC, next month;
  • Arup this week signed up for the CitySwitch Green Office programme as part of its pledge to reduce carbon emissions;
  • A firm based in Guangdong, China, has begun a test project designed to convert waste sludge into fuel for cement manufacturing, The Cleantech Group reports.